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Under the Strawberry Moon Page 4

  Branson wiped his shirt sleeve across his brow. He thought about his promise to take a switch to her. When he said it, it had only been half a joke. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea. He was accustomed to being the boss, and he wouldn’t mind being the boss of Kelly Taylor. She had been reckless and sassy to boot. He was sure Bob Taylor knew nothing about her escapade and Branson was no tattletale. He preferred to take care of things himself.

  Gray Boy pawed the ground in anticipation, and Branson ordered him to quiet. As he mounted the horse, he decided to let Gray Boy have the lead and kicked him into a lope. Taking his favorite trail, Branson pulled the reins as the trail narrowed, and they began to pick their way along the path. He could just see the peaceful pool up ahead. Man, he looked forward to a swim. Gray Boy whinnied in anticipation of a drink.

  Branson slowed to a stop and dismounted. He led Gray Boy over to the water. As the horse began to take a long pull, Branson noticed a pair of pink flip flops laying at the bottom of a cottonwood tree. Odd, he looked up and saw a cork floating on the water. His eyes followed the attached fishing line to the juncture of a branch on the tree. Branson’s mouth slowly dropped open. There, sleeping in the tree lay a nymph. Her long strawberry hair fell to her waist. Her skirt was hiked up past her thighs and the creamy flesh it revealed caused Branson to stare for a bit too long before he realized his mouth was gaping open so far a fly might happen in. Kelly’s legs dangled from the tree, and she let out a little snore.

  Branson put his hands on his hips. He couldn’t possibly be this lucky. He looked at Kelly’s tiny feet and noted the bright pink toenail polish. Bugle stood beside him, wagging his tail, a happy doggy grin on his face. “You’re a terrible watch dog,” Branson scolded quietly. Branson decided to awaken the sleeping lady. He reached down and picked a blade of grass. Holding it in his hand, he ran the blade up and down Kelly’s shapely, exposed, leg. He grinned to himself as he saw her flinch. Eyes still closed, Kelly reached down to scratch. Branson’s deep voice spoke smoothly. “You never know what kind of fruit you’ll find in a cottonwood tree.”

  Kelly’s eyes immediately popped open. “You,” was all she said. She quickly drew her legs up and tried to pull her skirt down.

  Enjoying the view, Branson let a lazy grin spread across his face. He leaned back on his heels and crossed his arms over his chest. “Looks like me and you are all alone.” He leaned down and put a long grass stalk in his mouth.

  Kelly immediately began to flail around as she tried to climb further up the tree.

  Branson reached a hand out and grasped a slim ankle. “Oh no, you don’t,” he growled.

  Kelly shouted at the top of her lungs. “Let me go, Branson Bennett, I mean it!” Branson just smiled up at her, a fiendish look in his eyes, the obnoxious grass stalk hanging between his teeth.

  Branson continued to hold onto Kelly’s ankle as he looked around. “I don’t see any hickory trees, but my palm will do just fine.”

  * * * * *

  Kelly was truly in a panic. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as she tried to kick free of his grasp. As soon as she started to struggle, Branson plucked her out of the tree and hauled her over his shoulder. Kelly gave out a high pitched scream. “Branson Bennett, you put me down, right now!”

  Branson carried Kelly over to the nearest log and dropped her over his lap. “What do you think, Miss Kelly? Should I give you what I promised you for riding Cantaloupe? You nearly broke your neck.”

  Kelly couldn’t stand his smug summary of the situation. She slowly reached down and pulled his pant leg up. Quickly, she dug her fingernails into his calf muscle. She made sure she drew blood. Branson let out a loud yell.

  “You little wildcat.” He reached down and grabbed her wrists, pinning them behind her back with one hand. Kelly felt her skirt being raised and realized the game was truly on. She was desperate to escape. Despite her best efforts, Branson locked his legs over hers and held her down. “I promised you a spanking and now you’re going to get it.”

  Branson took her skirt and threw it over her head. Kelly could see the ruffle as it fell over her face. She was mortified. He had no right, she would kill him for this. Her white cotton underwear lay exposed to his gaze. “Branson Bennett, you let me up right now you son of a bitch.”

  Branson gave her a hard spank across her underwear. “You use that kind of language again, missy, and I’m going to take my belt off right now.”

  Kelly was completely immobile. She couldn’t kick her legs free and she couldn’t get up. He held her in a vice. Branson began her spanking in earnest. She managed to remain quiet until about the fourth spank. Branson wasn’t playing, this was a full on spanking and far worse than any she had ever received from her parents.

  Kelly began to cry in pain as his hand came down across her bottom over and over. She lost count after ten and was soon sobbing in despair. She lay like a rag doll over his lap unable to move. Branson figured he’d given her about a dozen good wallops. When he was finished, he let her wrists go and pulled her dress down while he stood her to her feet. Her face was as red as her hair. She held her fists at her sides and didn’t speak she was so furious. “Now what do you have to say?” Branson asked. He actually thought he would get an apology.

  “I hate your guts,” Kelly screamed. She turned and fled, wiping the tears as they fell. She didn’t even realize she was running in bare feet until she was half way home. Her fishing pole floated, forgotten in the water, the worms made a bid for freedom as their container lay spilled upon the ground.

  Branson picked his hat up. It had been knocked off when he pulled Kelly out of the tree. He tucked the pink flip flops into his saddlebag. That didn’t go so well, he thought. Bugle stood and gave a ferocious bark. “You better git,” Branson commanded. Bugle took out after his much maligned mistress. Branson was hoping for a little more penitence. He walked over to Gray Boy and got in the saddle. Turning toward the Triple H, he glumly wondered how things would go the next time he saw her.

  Thankfully, Kelly made it back to the ranch before everyone else. She called out to Susie, who was in the kitchen, as she flew up the stairs. “I’ll be right down to help with dinner.” Kelly threw herself face down on the bed and sobbed her heart out. She pounded on the mattress with her fists. Screaming into a pillow she shouted, “I hate that man, I hate that man.” Kelly finally lay in exhausted silence. There was no one else in the room to yell at. She could hear Susie preparing dinner downstairs. Spent from her tirade, she finally got up and washed her face.

  Gingerly she put on some jeans and changed her shirt. Her eyes were bright from crying. She tried dabbing on a little foundation to make herself presentable. Kelly went downstairs, and busied herself setting the table. As the guests began to gather for dinner, Kelly went unnoticed. People stayed busy with conversation and laughter. Tonight’s dinner was Kelly’s favorite, deep dish chicken pie, and apple fritters with ice cream for dessert. At least the food might make her feel a little better.

  Noticing how quiet Kelly was, Aunt Emma spoke across the table. “How was your day dear?”

  Kelly looked down at her lap and thought about what to say. She merely shrugged and said, “Oh, just fine.”

  Uncle Bob cleared his throat. “Ran into Branson Bennett on the trail home. He said he’d just seen you at Clear Springs this afternoon.”

  Kelly felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach. “Yes, sir, I was down at the spring doing a little fishing. He just happened to come by.” Kelly thought her voice sounded a little shaky. She tried to sit up straight and adjusted her hastily tied pony tail.

  “If you ask me,” interjected Aunt Emma, “I’d say that man’s a little sweet on you, Kelly girl. He’s showed up here more times since you arrived, than the whole three years he’s lived at the Triple H put together.”

  Kelly couldn’t help the frown that crossed her face. “I can’t stand Branson Bennett,” she said.

  Uncle Bob raised his
eyebrows in surprise. “Kelly, that's a terrible thing to say.”

  “Well, I can’t,” she replied. Kelly knew she sounded like a three year old.

  Aunt Emma kindly changed the subject. “The annual Fourth of July square dance is coming up. Dave Adams’ bluegrass band is playing this year.” Everyone around the table was extremely interested in the square dance. It was always the highlight of the summer. It was held at the rescue squad as a fund raiser and nearly everyone around attended. Kelly had gone every year that she had been visiting, and she loved the event. There would be piles of BBQ, corn on the cob, ice tea and all types of desserts, even a cake walk. It made Kelly’s mouth water just to think about it.

  She giggled when she remembered the square dance was where she had gotten her first kiss ten years ago. Her birthday fell in October and she was coming up on 16. Feeling like a loser late bloomer, she had been determined that no adult was going to say the phrase, “Sweet sixteen, never been kissed,” to her. Kelly practically tackled Billy Tanner behind the rescue squad building. In the end, he tried to French kiss her. She was so disgusted, she washed her mouth out with lemonade. What an idiot I was, Kelly thought, laughing at the memory. Her mind drifted to Branson Bennett. Despite her earlier protests, she was absolutely sure she would have had a different response if it were Branson, French kissing her.

  Dinner was over and everyone dispersed. Some went to play checkers on the porch, and a few people stayed inside for a game of cards. Kelly rubbed her bottom as she thought of her altercation with Branson that afternoon. The spanking hurt at the time, but she wasn’t sore at all. Kelly stood on the edge of the porch. As she looked out over the pasture, the old worried feeling came back. Her mind drifted to the key chain she had found on the ground in town. She tried to dismiss her fears. She was certain that she had imagined seeing Eric, but she couldn’t excuse away the key chain, and the two incidents together were impossible to ignore.

  Branson Bennett had been a welcomed distraction until he spanked her. Now she didn’t know what to do. Kelly decided the best course of action would be to forget about men and throw herself into the Fourth of July festivities.

  The days passed quickly, and the big party was fast approaching. Kelly only had two days left to wait. She was so excited! Brittany Wilson, an old friend, had stopped by, and the two young ladies giggled into the evening. Brittany was all aflutter about Branson Bennett, no matter how many times Kelly tried to change the subject. Kelly wryly thought that Brittany wouldn’t think Branson was so hot if she knew about that spanking.

  The morning of the Fourth, finally arrived. Aunt Emma was busy all day helping to set up tables. Susie and the other staff were also helping. Uncle Bob and most of the hands were setting up the stage and sound system. Kelly had gone with them to help but she found herself mostly pushed aside. She was too small to lift the heavy stuff, and Aunt Emma seemed to have everything already covered with the tables. Kelly idly wandered over to the fireworks stand. It was going to be a great show. She watched the set up and wondered what colors and patterns the fireworks would make this year.

  It was beginning to grow dark as townsfolk gathered under the stars. The small stage was located to the right of the rescue squad’s huge cement driveway. That left plenty of room for dancers. The band took the stage, the colored lights came on, and the music began. The whole place came alive. Hay bales were placed for people to relax on. The refreshment table was loaded down. Teenagers batted their eyes at one another as children chased each other under the tables. A kiss was stolen here and there, and Kelly enjoyed it all while dance after dance played into the evening.

  The caller on the stage announced a break. “All right ladies and gents, it’s time for the first cake walk. We need twenty people front and center, nineteen chairs. Take a good look at those beautiful homemade cakes over there on the dessert table. Y'all know the drill, last one standing gets to choose a cake to take home.” This was one of Kelly’s favorite things about the Fourth of July celebration. Musical chairs and the winner got a cake. Kelly ran into the quickly materializing circle of chairs and took her place. She looked across and saw, to her great annoyance, that Branson Bennett also joined in. A crowd formed to watch, and the music began.

  Everyone began to clap in time to the beat. The crowd shouted encouragement as the cake walkers marched in a circle around the chairs. The music stopped with no warning. There was a mad dash to grab a chair. Screaming and laughter ensued as several walkers found themselves two to a chair or pushed to the ground. Kelly survived the first round, but was a little worried. There were several rather rotund participants, and this was a serious business.

  As round three began, Branson was poised on the opposite side of the circle. She couldn’t imagine he would deign to participate in such a silly activity, but he seemed to be having fun. The circle of chairs continued to shrink, and Kelly and Branson continued to survive each round. There were just six walkers left. The tension mounted, as cake walker after cake walker joined the crowd of spectators. Kelly was beginning to sweat. She really wanted that huge coconut cream cake displayed on the beautiful antique glass cake stand. She’d never lasted this long in a cake walk before. Branson had made it too. He was looking extremely serious about winning. Kelly saw him push an older lady out of the way to grab a chair. This was a no holds barred match. What had started as fun and games was turning into a very serious competition.

  The spectators weren’t helping any. It seemed the more violent the cake walk got, the more they liked it. Again, the next round began. Waiting for the music to stop was absolute torture. Kelly’s heart was beating hard in her chest. Branson was now walking one person over from her. She wasn’t about to let him push her out of a chair. The music stopped. Kelly let out a shriek and dove for a chair. Someone else’s behind was right next to hers but she managed to claim the chair for her own by pushing with her hip. The sad loser took the walk of shame.

  Oh Lord, thought Kelly, only five people left. Branson was having the time of his life. This was turning out to be a very interesting game. Again the music began. The level of noise grew as the crowd and the marchers sensed the end was near. The music stopped. A metal chair went careening across the dance floor as two people made a bid for it. The crowd went wild. A second person was already in a seat. Kelly and Branson sat down in the only two chairs left, right beside each other. Branson’s eyes gave a merry twinkle as he looked down at Kelly. Kelly made an impish face and stuck her tongue out at him. The music started again. Branson watched Kelly’s pert little bottom sashay in front of him. Clap, clap, clap, they went. The band cruelly played longer than usual.

  Three chairs and four people. Round and round. The music stopped. Branson dashed under Kelly just as she sat right in his lap. He put his arms around her and wouldn’t let her move. The chairs that were left had occupants already. Branson had his arms around her whole body, even her arms were pinned down. Caught in his steel embrace, Kelly had no hope of making it to another chair. “Branson Bennett, you’re a big cheater,” she yelled as she squirmed.

  “I know,” he replied.

  Someone shouted from the crowd. “Give her a kiss!” Kelly was mortified. Branson leaned over and gave Kelly a warm wet kiss on her cheek.

  “Argh!” she screamed. Branson let her go and she wiped the kiss away as the crowd roared their approval. Kelly made the walk of shame and didn’t even bother to watch the end, Branson was twice the size of the other people left. They had no hope of winning. The cake walk ended and Kelly heard the crowd cheering for Branson. Humph, she sniffed. She hated to be too mad about losing a cake walk, but she really had her mouth set for that coconut cream confection.

  She walked over to the beverage table to get a glass of iced tea. Her glass of ice was under the cooler lever when a large hand lifted the handle. “It’s the least I can do,” Branson intoned in her ear.

  “You’re a big cheater,” Kelly reiterated.

  “I know,” he stated again. Branson wai
ted for Kelly’s glass to fill with tea before taking her hand. He gave her no choice as he dragged her over to the dessert table.

  “So I guess you’re going to rub it in,” Kelly complained. Branson grinned behind his huge mustache as Kelly gazed up at him. He continued to hold her hand as he bowed in front of her and waved his hand over the desserts.

  “You may have any cake you wish, madam. After all, I did cheat.”

  “Oh Branson, you don’t have to do that,” Kelly protested.

  “I know I don’t. Please, Kelly, I want you to have the cake.” Kelly set her tea down, dropped his hand and clasped hers in glee.

  “Well, it’s not as good as winning, but it is better than totally losing. I want that big coconut cake over there.” Kelly pointed with her finger.

  Branson leaned back and let out a big belly laugh. “Why that cake is as big as you are!”

  “That’s the one I want,” replied Kelly. Branson had the cake wrapped up for her and carried it as Kelly led him to Aunt Emma’s car. Placing it neatly on the floor of the back seat, Branson stood and closed the car door. Kelly looked up at him. “Thank you for my cake, Branson. Really, that was so sweet of you.”

  Branson moved to stand in front of her. He rested his arm on the car hood and leaned down. “You’re welcome, Kelly.” Branson tilted his hat back and placed his fingers under Kelly’s chin. He gently tilted her head back as his lips met hers. Branson lightly kissed her and then eased her mouth open with the tip of his tongue. Kelly let out a low moan. She innocently touched her tongue to his in response. Branson burned with desire as he deepened the kiss. Kelly was driving him crazy.

  Branson leaned back and ran his thumbs across Kelly’s cheeks as he held her sweet face. “Did you happen to notice the sky tonight Kelly?” Kelly peeked over Branson’s shoulder and saw a million stars twinkle back at her.