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Under the Strawberry Moon Page 5

  “It’s beautiful,” she said.

  “It is,” agreed Branson. “Almost as beautiful as you.”

  Branson placed her hand in his arm, and the two walked back toward the celebration together. A group of Branson’s fire fighter friends had congregated next to one of the fire trucks. Kelly followed as Branson greeted his friends and joined in their conversation. While the boys talked, Kelly watched the dancers. She was absolutely enraptured. “Yeehaw” they roared as they skipped toward the center of the circle.

  Kelly tapped her toe in time to the music. Branson was just about to ask her to dance when Tim Andrews raced by. “Come on, Kelly, let’s dance!” he shouted. Kelly let him swirl her into the mass of spinning figure eights as they promenaded around.

  The caller bellowed, “Swing your partner do-si-do,” and Kelly found herself caught up in a cacophony of joy.

  Raising their hands up high, they danced round and round. Her eyes wandered around, noting many old friends. Kelly watched Branson watching her. She smiled all the way to her toes. She was still plenty sore at him both for the spanking and the cake walk, but she couldn't help but acknowledge that Branson was absolutely gorgeous as he stood next to the other young men. His ever present tan cowboy hat upon his head, fitted western shirt, and to-die-for jeans. He could have stepped out of a photograph. He leaned exquisitely against the fire truck drinking tea and laughing with his friends. His narrow hips were accentuated by the perfect fit of his jeans. The scuffed up cowboy boots he wore only served to make him look even more scrumptious.

  Kelly frowned as she watched Brittany and some other young ladies saunter over to Branson’s group like felines in heat. Branson looked extremely annoyed while Brittany fluttered and tittered. Kelly giggled to herself. If Brittany was trying to get Branson Bennett’s attention, she was going about it the wrong way. There was nothing Branson would hate more than an aggressive female acting silly.

  Branson looked over Brittany Wilson’s head as he watched Kelly twirl by. She had on a short little jeans skirt and brown leather cowgirl boots trimmed out in pink. They matched her toenails he thought, smiling to himself. He realized he was the only one that would know that.

  “Branson,” Brittany warbled, when she realized his attention was not on her, “do you like my outfit?” Branson glanced down. He gave a noncommittal grunt and went back to watch Kelly twirl and spin.

  Brittany glanced over her shoulder and saw where Branson’s attention lay. She gave a deep glower and decided to step up her game.

  Tim leaned in and lifted Kelly up by the waist as all the couples shouted a big hurrah! He brought her lightly back down to the floor. Kelly’s face lost its smile when her eyes fell back on Brittany. The girl was practically rubbing herself up and down Branson’s leg as she picked at his shirt collar. Branson wasn’t doing anything to stop her.

  Kelly bit her lip then spoke in a strained voice. “I’ve got to go, Tim, thanks for the dance.” She quickly made her way off the dance floor and tried to find a spot where she could collect herself.

  Branson saw Kelly leave. He stood up and turned his back to Brittany without so much as an acknowledgement. Branson tried to see where Kelly was going, but the crowd was so thick he lost sight of her. Kelly wiped an angry tear away: what the hell was wrong with her? It was just one kiss. And Branson had even spanked her! Yet here she was crying over him like a schoolgirl. She felt like a fool. Her vision blurred and all she knew was that she had to get away before someone stopped her to ask what was wrong.

  Kelly let out an “oof” when she ran into a hard chest. She tried to sidestep whoever it was but she felt cruel fingers dig into her upper arms and a smarmy, familiar voice, snarl in her ear. “I’ve been looking for you, Kelly.” Kelly froze as the whole world dropped away. Her heart stopped beating and her ears began to buzz. Oh, my God, she thought, Eric.

  Chapter Five

  Kelly was drowning. She looked toward the crowd, but she had run past everyone and only their backs were facing her in the distance. She was sure if she screamed, she would not be heard over the music. The backside of the fire station cast a dark shadow as Eric pressed her up against the wall. “Kelly,” he began, the wheedling sound of his voice made her skin crawl. “I’ve been watching you, Kelly. I miss you so much.” Kelly gave a hard swallow. What could she say to convince him to let her go?

  “I missed you too, Eric,” she whispered.

  Eric place his hand on the back of her neck and put his forehead against hers. “You’re a liar, Kelly. I saw you, Kelly, I saw you kissing that guy.” Eric moved his hand to his pocket as his other hand gave her neck a menacing squeeze. He took out the key chain. He pressed it into Kelly’s hand, forcing her to clasp it hard. Kelly felt the metal cut into her palm. “I want you to have it, Kelly…Kelly.” Eric’s hot breath made Kelly want to vomit. Her eyes wildly looked around, but she knew no one could see them. Even if someone happened by, they were completely engulfed in darkness. Kelly winced as Eric’s fingers bit into her shoulders again. He pushed her hard against the wall. “Why, Kelly?” he gritted.

  “Eric.” Kelly tried to keep her voice as even as possible. “I didn’t realize the key chain was yours, I’m so sorry.” Eric put his hand on the side of Kelly’s head and ground her face against the brick wall. Kelly tried her best not to cry out.

  “You’re hurting me, Eric,” she murmured.

  “Not nearly as much as you hurt me,” he snarled.

  Like a beam of light in the midst of a storm, Branson’s voice reached Kelly’s ears. “Kelly,” he called out. “Kelly.” God bless his soul. Kelly’s heart leaped for joy.

  Eric looked like a wraith as he turned toward Branson, growling one last time in her ear, “I’m not going to let you go that easy, Kelly.” Eric gave her one more push and disappeared. Kelly could see Branson searching for her just on the edge of the crowd. Someone who had seen her pass, was pointing toward the spot where she stood. Branson’s brow was creased in worry as he continued to search for her.

  “I’m here, Branson, I’m over here,” Kelly called weakly. When Branson heard the sound of her voice, he raced towards her. Kelly held her hands to her neck. The skin on the right side of her face burned. Her head and shoulders hurt where Eric had ground her against the wall. Branson ran breathlessly towards her and tried to touch her. Kelly cried out, “No, Branson.” The tears began to fall, and Kelly couldn’t speak for the sobs that wracked her body. Branson gently reached out to move her towards the light. “No, Branson!” she cried. “I want to go home. Take me home, Branson, take me home.”

  That was all Branson needed to hear. He leaned down and picked Kelly up in his arms. His deep voice soothed her broken spirit. “Lay your head on my shoulder, sweetheart.” Branson quickly made his way to the parking lot and eased Kelly into his truck. He went around to get in on the driver’s side. Kelly had already moved over to the middle. She held onto him in a life or death grip as he started the engine. Her sobs had already wet the front of his shirt by the time he pulled away. He put his arm around her. Branson knew something terrible had happened.

  Branson drove straight to the Triple H ranch. His place was closer than Canyon Gulch, besides, he knew he could keep her safe there. Kelly continued to cry until he pulled up in front of the house. He threw the truck in park and gathered her up. Quickly, he rushed up the front steps and took Kelly to his comfy leather couch. He had left the lights on and when he pulled her away to get a good look, stone cold rage washed over him.

  The right side of Kelly’s face was scraped raw. Her sleeveless top revealed finger bruises already forming on her upper arms. Her right hand was bleeding. Branson gritted his teeth. He needed to put his anger aside for the moment. Reassuring Kelly was more important right now. Taking a deep breath, he reached up and gently cupped the left side of her face. “Sugar, you’re safe do you hear me? Kelly, honey, look at me, sweetheart.” Kelly took in a trembling breath between sobs. “You’re safe, honey, you hear me?” Kelly ga
ve a slow nod.

  Branson took his cell phone out and placed a call. Kelly could hear the voice on the other end. “Pike County Sheriff’s Office.”

  “Hey, Sal, this is Branson Bennett, can I speak to Blake?” Branson was all business.

  “Sure, he’s right here.”

  A moment later, Kelly could hear Blake Williams on the phone. “Hey, Branson, thought you’d be out at the square dance, the night’s still young.”

  “Blake, I need you to come out to my place right away. There’s been an assault. I’ll tell you more when you get here.”

  Blake’s voice turned solemn immediately. “Do you need an ambulance?” he asked. Branson looked at Kelly. She shook her head.

  “I don’t think so, Blake.”

  “Just the same, I’ll stop by the dance and pick up Doc Stafford on my way. We’ll be there as soon as possible.” Blake hung up.

  Branson tried to get Kelly to let him look at her injuries, but she refused to let go of him.

  When he tried to get up to get her a drink, she cried out in fear. “Stay here, Branson.” He slid her onto his lap and tried to shush her cries as she lay the uninjured side of her face on his chest. He lightly ran his hand through her hair and soothingly rubbed her back. Within thirty minutes, Blake arrived along with the Doctor. The door was unlocked and they came straight in. Doctor Stafford quieted Kelly and convinced her to sit on the couch while he tended to her. Branson and Blake stood off to the side.

  “What happened?” Blake asked. Branson related to him what he knew. Doctor Stafford asked for some ice water, and he helped Kelly’s shaking hands hold the glass as she drank.

  Doctor Stafford called Blake and Branson over. “Kelly’s going to be okay.” He gently patted her hand. “I’m going to give her a sedative to help her relax. I thought you might want to talk to her before I do that, Blake.”

  Blake sat beside Kelly and compassionately questioned her about what had happened. As Kelly related the events involving Eric Hinton, Branson thought he was going to explode. God help the son of a bitch if he got to him before Blake did.

  It wasn’t long before Blake stood up. Closing his notebook, he told Kelly, “You are a very brave young woman. I think I got enough information for now.”

  Dr. Stafford moved close and gave Kelly a shot. He looked over at Branson. “Can you take her home? She’s going to be asleep in a few minutes.”

  Kelly called for Branson and in a pitiful voice pleaded with him. “Don’t take me back there, Branson, Eric has been there. I just know he’s the one that vandalized Canyon Gulch. He’ll find me, don’t take me there, Branson, don’t take me there.”

  Branson gathered her up in his arms like a little girl, and crooned to her. “You’re going to stay right here, sweetheart. I’m going to take you upstairs and let you go to sleep. I’ll stay with you the whole night. I’m going to call Bob and Emma. They’ll be here when you wake up in the morning.”

  Kelly was very satisfied with that answer. She closed her eyes and curled up in Branson’s arms. Branson nodded as Dr. Stafford and Blake let themselves out. Kelly didn’t remember another thing.

  The morning sun shone cheerily through the window and fell across Kelly’s face. She was curled up in a ball next to Branson. True to his word, he had not left her side all night. He softly caressed her hair as he gazed down at her face. Looking at her made Branson want to cry. Never in all his life had he seen anything that upset him so. Kelly would be fine, it was the sheer malice of what Eric had done to her. Her beautiful face would heal. Branson just couldn’t comprehend how someone could be so cruel.

  Bob and Emma had immediately come over when he called and were sleeping in the guest bedroom. He heard the door creak open and Emma quietly crossed to the bed and sat down. Bob stood beside her. No one spoke a word as they all gathered around. Branson was relieved they were there. Kelly could not have awakened to a more comforting sight. Emma took Kelly’s bandaged hand and lightly held it. Slowly Kelly’s eyes fluttered open. She gingerly rolled to her back. When she saw the faces of her aunt and uncle, the events of the previous night came flooding back. Kelly cried quietly while Emma and Bob held her. Branson moved away so the three could be together. All the terrible events involving Eric Hinton came tumbling out through Kelly’s sobs. Branson leaned against the wall as he listened. When Kelly told of Eric’s abuse last year at school, Branson knew what it was like to feel a rage so deep you could kill somebody.

  Kelly was well enough to get up and move around. Emma had brought her some fresh clothes and helped her take a shower while Branson and Bob had coffee in the kitchen. Bob was filled with gratitude. “We can’t thank you enough for what you did for our girl, Branson.”

  “I wouldn’t have done anything else,” Branson replied. The two sipped their coffee as they reflected on what was to be done.

  “Branson,” Bob said, “I’d like Kelly to stay here a day or two until we can figure out what is going on.”

  “Absolutely,” Branson replied. “She can stay as long as you need her to. You’re welcome as well.”

  Bob thought a bit. “I have to keep things going at the ranch. I think it would be good if Emma stayed with her. We can manage while this gets worked out.” Branson nodded his agreement. He wanted to do whatever would be best for Kelly.

  Chapter Six

  The Sheriff’s department launched a full scale investigation. According to credit card records, Eric Hinton had indeed traveled to Bozeman and followed Kelly to Canyon Gulch. There was no direct evidence to prove that Eric had vandalized the ranch, but the circumstantial evidence pointed his way. Blake Williams headed up the case, and so far he had been able to pinpoint Eric’s whereabouts using phone and credit card records, but ever since the night of the Fourth, Eric’s card and phone usage had gone off the grid. Blake could only assume that Eric realized after assaulting Kelly, his movements would be tracked and he was smart enough to go quiet.

  Kelly’s injuries were healing well, but her spirit was still a little gloomy. She felt jumpy and the nightmares she was having refused to go away. Branson did his best to cheer her up. “Kelly,” he said one morning, “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  Kelly gave Branson a smile. He had been wonderful to her. Every day that passed, Kelly was falling deeper and deeper in love with him. She and Aunt Emma had stayed at Triple H for a week, but Kelly was worried that Eric would never be caught. Her fear was always present and as much as Branson tried to help, there always seems to be a certain sadness in her eyes.

  Branson smiled down at her with his bright, even teeth. “Come on, Miss Taylor, I want to show you something.

  “Are you sure it’s not so you can get me alone for a toss in the hay?” Kelly teased.

  “That’s a fine idea, Miss Taylor, I may just take you up on the offer.” Branson swaggered to the front door. “Are you coming?”

  Kelly was intrigued. Branson seemed almost giddy. Getting up from the couch, she followed him out. “All right, Branson, let’s see what you’re up to.”

  Branson took her hand and led her to his big red barn. It was solidly built, nothing fancy but very nice. Kelly and Branson walked down a row of stalls until they came to the very end. Branson slowly opened the gate, and a lovely scene awaited them as Kelly’s breath caught in her throat. There stood the most beautiful little Jersey Cow and her newborn calf Kelly had ever seen. They were so sweet it made Kelly want to cry. The little calf, so new and innocent, wobbled around while its mama licked its tiny head. “Oh, Branson,” Kelly cried. The mama cow gave a low moo. “Branson, I didn’t know you had any Jersey cows.” Kelly entered the stall and stood, gently gazing at the pair. She didn’t want to upset the mama.

  Branson rested his forearms on the solid fence of the pen. He took his hat off and brushed his hair back from his face. “She’s a beauty isn’t she, Kelly? Born last night. The mama cow’s name is Daisy. I thought I’d let you name the calf.”

  “Oh, Branson,” Kelly replied, “wh
at a lovely surprise.” The little Jersey mama cow was caramel brown. She had the small sweet face and the big bubble eyes that came with her breed. The baby calf was adorable. Kelly stroked the mama cow as the calf swayed over. It puts its soft, little nose in her hand. Kelly gazed up at Branson in delight, what a nice way to take her mind off things. “I want to name the calf, Rosebud.”

  Branson gave a jolly laugh. “That’s perfect. Little Britches, Daisy and Rosebud. Good thing Rosebud is a girl.” Branson watched as Kelly petted the baby calf. The mama cow seemed to instinctively trust her.

  “Why do you only have one of these breeds here?” Kelly asked.

  “Jersey cows aren’t beef cows. They really aren’t good milk cows either because they don’t produce the large volume of milk, as say, a Holstein would. They do, however, produce some of the creamiest milk in the world. She may not produce much, but she produces some of the best. Besides, I’ve just always liked this little breed of cow. I keep Daisy because I like her.”

  “Branson, you’re sentimental about your cow,” Kelly teased.

  Branson laughed. “I guess I am, at least about this one.”

  Kelly closed the gate and crossed to stand in front of Branson as they gazed at the sweet scene. Branson wrapped his arms around Kelly’s shoulders and rested his chin on her head. Kelly gave a deep sigh. “I couldn’t have gotten through this without you, Branson.” Branson gave her a squeeze in answer. He turned her in his arms. Branson placed his hands around her waist and lifted her up to stand on an old milking stool. They stood facing each other nose to nose. Kelly put her arms around Branson’s neck and played with the curls that grew at the nape of his neck. Branson pushed his hat back. He took his hands and ran them through Kelly’s beautiful hair while pushing the strawberry strands behind her ears. He took his thick palm and gently placed it under her chin while turning her face to see her injury.